Hi, hello. I'm Cameron. I'm good at helping people figure out problems.
I'm very much an axe sharpener. If you need quick, haphazard, work done without questions - I am not who you're looking for. If you need a partner who will understand the problem space and work with you until you're comfortable with the solution - I might be it.
General Consulting
- Team stuck?
- I'll be the rubber duck you've always needed
- I'm available for code review and pair programming on an as needed basis.
- Need a translator between Stake Holders and Tech?
- I'm fluent in nerd, but capable of breaking down highly technical problems for non-technical people. Your Stake Holders will either understand your project or understand that they'll never understand your project, but trust that you've hired the right people.
- Unsure of what you need at all?
- I'll listen and ask every question imaginable until you've got your idea fleshed out and are working on a Business Model Canvas.
Fractional CTO
- Need a medium to long term partner to take ownership and give advice on your product?
- Need someone to fill in while you search for the right permanent candidate?
- Are you a tech company who doesn't know they're a tech company?
- How about a CTO matchmaker?
Prototyping / Proof of Concept / MVP
- Already have requirements? Need to prove out a concept or fail fast?
- Need someone to dive in, gain domain expertise, and figure out how to get started?
Project Discovery / Foundations / Product Design
- requirements gathering
- scope determination
- risk assessment
- product roadmap
Tech Review Audit & Assessment
- Do you have legacy code that needs to be brought up to date?
- Untrusted code that needs an outside set of eyes to audit?
- Do you know your team's bus factor?
- Do you have a working disaster recovery plan?
- Is your documentation accurate and up-to-date?
- Do you have your architecture documented and diagrammed
- Are your tests actually testing?